Channels | Date (YYYY/MM/DD) |
Beta | 2024/02/21- 2024/03/07 |
Stable | 2024/03/13 |
Enabled by default
- align-content CSS property for blocks
- Allow for WebAuthn credential creation in a cross-origin iframe
- Attribution Reporting Feature Bundle: Trigger Data Customization and Aggregatable Value Filters
- Back/forward cache NotRestoredReason API
- Cross App and Web Attribution Measurement
- CSS Highlight Inheritance
- CSS light-dark() Color Function
- Document picture-in-picture: allow Window’s focus() API to focus opener
- field-sizing CSS property
- Import attributes ‘with’ syntax
- Long Animation Frame Timing
- NavigationActivation
- ‘pagereveal’ event
- PointerEvent.deviceId for Mult-Pen Inking
- Private network access checks for navigation requests: warning-only mode
- Private Network Access permission to relax mixed content
- Sec-CH-UA-Form-Factor client hint
- ServiceWorker static routing API
- Shared Storage [support running cross origin worklets without having to create an iframe]
In developer trial (Behind a flag)
- Allow top layer elements to be nested within popovers
- Automatic Fullscreen Content Setting
- Auto Sizes for Lazy Loaded Images with Srcset
- Document Subtitle (Fix PWA app titles)
- RegExp duplicate named capture groups